Just Talkin' About Jesus

Abundant Encounters with Josh Marcengill

Josh Marcengill Episode 36

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Does God feel distant to you?
Do your prayers feel like they aren’t heard?
What if we could encounter the God in a real way- the one who is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow?
The Jesus who did what He saw his father doing and said what he heard him say?

My guest today is Josh Marcengill.
is the founder of Abundant Encounters, an online ministry that helps Christians embrace an encounter lifestyle like Jesus Christ revealed to us. Josh discusses how we have been invited into this as our inheritance on the earth. 

Josh shares his experience as an atheist who tried to take his life- But God came to him and steered him to a different direction.

Set aside an intentional time to think back to when you have encountered God… maybe even before you were a believer. I had deep encounters when my husband Howard had his brain tumor…miracles throughout, but a richness I had never experienced before.

Again, when I asked for the gift of tongues and God came through- a gift I still appreciate.

He was right beside me, comforting me the three times I miscarried.
And again when I entrusted my granddaughter who was kidnapped by her father and brainwashed into believing my daughter had repeatedly abused her sexually.

God is faithful, my friends. He’s always with us- with you and with me. His love never fails.

I would invite you to check out Josh’s website.
In this episode of 'Just Talking About Jesus', Jan Johnson and her guest Josh Marcengill, discuss about his life-changing moment from being an atheist to experiencing a divine presence. 

Josh narrates how he was pulled from the edge of despair by a vision of Christ and how that encounter has fueled his faith.

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[00:02] Jan Johnson: Welcome to Just Talking About Jesus. I'm Jan Johnson, a seasoned believer who loves relationships and, you know, just talking about Jesus.

[00:14] Josh Marcengill: So when I started to have experiences with God, I really started to realize that I had a history with God. So you can do that even right now. So if you think back on experiences that you've had, they could be really extreme experiences.

[00:32] Like maybe it was a car accident that almost happened or something like that, and you just knew the Holy Spirit, something spiritual got you out of that. Well, that's the Lord.

[00:40] You can build up your faith from that.

[00:45] Jan Johnson: Today's guest is Josh Marcengill. Thank you for being here, Josh. I'm excited to have you.

[00:51] Josh Marcengill: Oh, yeah, it's an honor to be here. Thank you.

[00:54] Jan Johnson: Yeah. So abundant encounters. Why that?

[01:02] Josh Marcengill: Yeah, the Lord, he got ahold of me in a. In a meeting. I let me back up a little bit before I get there, but. So, yeah, I. I was an atheist at 27, and I had been an atheist for maybe two years, and I was getting pretty serious about it, but my life was also falling apart.

[01:18] And. And so I just. The Lord started encountering me in massive ways. Making a long story short, but it was after a suicide attempt.

[01:29] I woke up the next morning. The Lord gave me an open vision, and it was a crazy experience. I thought maybe I had schizophrenia because I was an academic. And it just kept going and it kept telling this insane story.

[01:44] And I saw Jesus and Jesus had kindness in his eyes and he knew who I was.

[01:49] And I was like, oh, wow, this is.

[01:53] I don't know you. And. And so that. That changed and opened.

[01:58] I was like, wait, you know me. But I. I definitely don't know you. Everything I've heard about you is. Is. Is, you know, not. I don't know if it wasn't true.

[02:06] It's just. I haven't heard it the right way.

[02:09] And then, you know, so he just took me on a very unusual, you know, encounter experience. And then he made encounters normal for me.

[02:18] And. And I realized that we have, you know, set the bar so high that we just don't experience God a lot. And there's a stewardship element to it that's really fascinating to me.

[02:30] But even the small ones really matter. Any. Let me define encounters. Real quick. Encounters are. I mean, to me, they're just any moment that God is actually real for you.

[02:40] So it's. It's a personal, subjective definition. And I believe that's really important because it's still valuable if you think it's real than it is real. For you. And so anytime that you're experiencing something that makes you know that God is real, I think it's valuable.

[02:56] And I think that when we do that, we can actually steward our experiences. We can live a lifestyle of encounters. Jesus showed us that he did this. And so we're invited into this amazing, abundant experience.

[03:08] And that's kind of where the name came from. Good question.

[03:11] Jan Johnson: Yeah, yeah. A life of expectancy.

[03:15] Josh Marcengill: Yeah, absolutely.

[03:16] Jan Johnson: Yeah. Daily expecting, what is he gonna do? Looking for him and seeing where he is, you know, and there is that, you know, part of seeing him in people or nature, whatever like that.

[03:28] But then there's also times when he inhabits your mind and spirit and directs you.

[03:36] Josh Marcengill: Definitely. There's subjective. There's objective experiences. Objectives are awesome because it's like everybody around you is experiencing it. Like, if you pray for someone and they get healed or, you know, you just.

[03:47] I don't. You know, like, all kinds of different, you know, experiences like that that everyone's involved in. Maybe there's an audible voice, like, in the Bible, we hear about those kind of things, but.

[03:56] But, yeah. And then the subjective ones are. You know, it's like I heard a voice. It was inside, and it was about the volume that I read with, and it sounded like me, but it just didn't come from me.

[04:08] I don't know what it was. And I, like, I wanted justify. Normalize those kind of experiences because I think they really do enrich our lives and can lead us into a beautiful, you know, consistent, like, fellowship with the Lord.

[04:24] That I think is really, really important.

[04:26] Jan Johnson: And I think there's a level of.

[04:28] Well, one, there's a level of intimacy, you know, but there's also a level of trust that it's not just you hearing things or whatever. But I think that the more you do your walk, the more you understand who he and the more you see what he does.

[04:45] Right.

[04:45] Josh Marcengill: Absolutely. Yeah. It's hard to even speak the language of encounter or whatever, like, without reading the Bible. It just helps you translate. God speaks all kinds of different styles of languages and things like that.

[04:57] He just. He speaks through creation. And he speaks, you know, just oddly at times. And so it's important to be able to interpret and have a heart for what God has a heart for and know what he's, you know, a little bit about him and discovering is great, but it's also.

[05:14] It's so much easier and safer when you have a foundation and in the Word, of course, and those kind of things and have a good church family, all those Things that are just so obvious, but, you know, they're really important to make people aware of.

[05:29] Like, encounters are real. Have an encounter lifestyle, do it with people so you don't get, you know, so weird, whatever, you know, because like, I mean, it is, it is.

[05:39] It's an interesting experience. But people help you not to discount you. You know, you get, get around believers. People who are excited about Jesus and excited about what he can do in your life, believe for you.

[05:51] You know, they're not just believing for themselves or something. Those things are really, really, really great. Just building, you know, healthy community around God experiences.

[05:59] Jan Johnson: Yeah. Yeah. Amen.

[06:02] I think it's interesting how, how God chooses us, you know, like, like for you to have been an academic, like, I don't need this. And you know, something drew you to atheism instead to begin with.

[06:17] Yet, yet the day that, you know, the day after when you were still alive and he says, I love you, that had to been like, wow, what you needed to hear, right?

[06:29] Josh Marcengill: Well, you know, I didn't have a box for it. I wasn't a Christian. I didn't have Christian language or what I was experiencing. I didn't really understand open vision was. Or anything like that.

[06:39] So it was really interesting just the way that this all happened. It really felt like it was happening to me. And the way the Lord later explained that to me was that the veil was torn and he can run out after his kids.

[06:51] Luke 15 is a good example. The father runs off of the porch and runs after the son. And so that's definitely what my experience was. He came after me and I definitely didn't deserve it.

[07:03] There was nothing about me that was very. That was righteous in any way. But I had had a hard experience and that had made my heart really hard.

[07:13] And even during this experience, I remember even though there was several miracles that had happened already, you know, I didn't really call them that and I. There was still a hardness there.

[07:23] But the Lord had this plan to break me down, put me in a community. I got saved in a Hispanic church in San Diego, California, and I was the only white guy there.

[07:35] And you know, it's just like, I just love the way. And I remember. Oh yeah. I remember just feeling like, like so much love for people for the first time, you know, and it was neat to do that in that experience because, I mean, one, I just really hadn't spent a lot of time around Hispanic people.

[07:51] And so it was just so. Everything was just so different, and I was just so like in awe of who God was, I was just like, wow, God, this is real.

[07:58] Like, I really know that this is love because I've never felt it before and there's no real connection here. I have no idea how you did this. This is amazing.

[08:06] And I was just building relationships and really just. It was, yeah, it was like this honeymoon experience.

[08:13] Jan Johnson: Wow. Wow, wow. That's. That is amazing. I grew up Lutheran, my family was Lutheran and, and the Lutheran Church. I don't ever remember hearing the salvation, you know, steps of salvation or anything.

[08:32] And a gal that I worked with invited me to a Catholic charismatic prayer meeting. And that was the first time I had ever heard about like, oh, it's not just God up here and whatever.

[08:46] Yeah, he wants to be part of your life, and you have a responsibility to asking forgiveness. And you know, there's more to.

[08:55] I mean, I always believed in God and I always, you know, felt something there, but that was the first time that, that warmed me, you know what. But yeah, and you know, my travels through my, my experiences or whatever have not.

[09:15] Yeah, I'm now part of a non-denominational, but it's just, it, it just, it. You know. Another thing that's interesting too, and just as an aside is the people that I've interviewed, you know, are from all different denominations and whatever, but just to see the kind of experiences that God has for all his people is pretty cool.

[09:37] Josh Marcengill: I think you nailed it. Like, it is like about the person, the individual. Like my, my experience demanded in a way, you know, like God to show it, you know, and I hate to use the word demanded, but I mean, it kind of did in a way.

[09:51] Just I needed God to show up in a specific way. I needed him to be real.

[09:56] And, and when he did show up, it was so ridiculously real. I could see it, you know, like, like I'm looking at you now and, and those kinds of things.

[10:03] And then, and it was so. It was impossible to deny and it, and it broke my box, you know, and I was like, oh, wow. And it, I wish I could say that.

[10:12] Oh yeah, I just got it right there and I was purified or something like that. But it was, it was just so much more complex than that. But it did break my box, and I was open and my, my, my hard heart had a soft spot in it at least, you know, and he had to take me on quite a journey.

[10:27] I mean, I really had that moment, you know, experiencing and encountering Jesus was such a big deal, but he, he was the rescuer in that, in that scenario. And I still Needed to know the father because my dad had committed suicide actually at 15.

[10:42] And so he'd been gone for a long time. My brother committed suicide later on. So these things had ripped my, my heart apart and made me so bitter inside. And you know, and of course I was an atheist, but it was like, and I look at it now and I don't try to make fun of people in that situation or anything, but I did have like this anger against a God that I didn't believe in.

[11:06] Complicated.

[11:08] A lot of hard work really, you know, and, and so, you know, like taking that in, it was just so much healing that had to be done.

[11:18] And you know, and it was, yeah, we have a God shaped hole, we have a people shaped hole.

[11:24] We need people, we need God. But we were made with those needs. And so I, I was trying to live my life without meeting those needs that were, that I was made with.

[11:34] And, and it had made me a wreck. But it was an absolute adventure with the Lord, learning to receive him in places that I just didn't think he had any business in.

[11:46] You know, I was just convinced that, no, this, well, at least you don't want this part. At least like, I'll keep this.

[11:53] But he did, he wanted all of it. And you know, he was very territorial. I mean, it reminds me of those Old Testament stories where he's going in and he's taken over land and, and all that kind of stuff.

[12:03] That was my heart. That was a picture of my heart. He was in there sorting things out, killing off, you know, all these battles and stuff.

[12:11] And you know, and some of it was really hard. Of course, it was tearing me apart or, or, you know, and I, I think surrender is a supernatural act. I don't think it's something that you can do without some connection, some spiritual reality connection because it's just impossible.

[12:26] And, and it feels so unnecessary and, and weird until you just know like who he really is and that he's someone that you can surrender to. And so, yeah, there was a, there was a lot of process there.

[12:41] Jan Johnson: Yeah, well, one, one you had to take on a new identity.

[12:46] Josh Marcengill: Yeah.

[12:46] Jan Johnson: You know, and that's not, it's like, okay, who am I and what do I do? And now that if this is what's going on, you know, it's a little bit of like, like that, you know, but, but then becoming that and, and it's all a process.

[13:02] Nobody steps into their relationship with God, and they've got it all at that moment.

[13:10] Josh Marcengill: No, it was definitely a process. And God loves The process.

[13:14] I know he does. Like, otherwise, he probably would have snapped his fingers with, you know, once Jesus paid it, and. All right, good. Everybody's perfect now, you know, but, no, he's growing something.

[13:24] He's doing something. There's valuable something in what his. His love for the process is. And. And, you know, that gives us permission as well to further enjoy the process, even in the extremely difficult moments which so many of us experience.

[13:39] Jan Johnson: Yeah.

[13:39] Josh Marcengill: So.

[13:40] Jan Johnson: And surrender is trust with a capital T.

[13:45] Yes. You know that if I give this to you, this is really. It's kind of like letting that helium balloon go, and you're holding it down and kind of like, no, no.

[13:56] Okay. And it doesn't pop. It's still just going. And he's taking care of it.

[14:03] Josh Marcengill: Definitely. It's the best. I really want it for everybody, but I. I do recognize that it is. There's something that I don't want to, you know, prevent people to. Towards what?

[14:12] From walking towards it. But there is a supernatural connection that. That brings it about that is so, so powerful.

[14:19] Jan Johnson: I mean, absolutely. Yeah. I was gonna think back what you were saying earlier. My first husband had a brain tumor, and the night that he died, he came in and he was having a brain hemorrhage, holding his head.

[14:33] And I'm thinking, oh, this is it. Is this it? You know, God, is this really it? Because I didn't know when things were gonna happen. And as the ambulance wheeled him out, I heard an audible voice.

[14:49] It's the only time I've ever had it, but heard that audible voice of the Lord saying that, you know, gave. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I'll fear no evil.

[14:59] And I thought, this is it. This is it, you know? Yeah.

[15:04] But powerful and through life, all kinds of miraculous things that happen. It was just. Yeah, but.

[15:12] Yeah, encounters and things. Yeah, really.

[15:19] So talk to me about you. Do some counseling. Talk to us about inner healing.

[15:26] Describe. What does that mean? What's that? Not everybody has heard about that.

[15:30] Josh Marcengill: Well, it. You know, I think people unfortunately get the. When you talk about inner healing, deliverance, they get this picture of, like, you know, what's up with that old movie, like, with the lady's head spinning around or whatever, you know, and that's not.

[15:43] You know, I mean, I have seen deliverance and those kinds of things, and love. Love, delivering people, because it's just all kinds of people that need it. But demons are real and all that kind of stuff, and they can oppress us and all kinds of crazy things.

[15:57] They get attached to us. They make contracts with us, all this kind of stuff. But. But it really just comes down to connecting with Father, God, Holy Spirit and Jesus and that.

[16:08] And that's the kind of inner healing that we really focus on in our ministry work. So we're facilitators. We're not necessarily counselors. We do call ourselves that, but, like. But it's.

[16:18] It's a. Counsel our process in counseling. It's facilitation. So we're facilitating a connection between you and the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Most of us have block blocks and that.

[16:29] Blockages and things that keep us from being able to communicate with God. I even get them sometimes, and I have. I have to use my own tools to, like, help myself unblock.

[16:41] I'm like, oh, man, like a fence or something like that, which is something that any one of us can pick up on any day, can get in. In the way of your.

[16:48] Your ability to really hear from the Lord. And so these tools, I really learned them because they. They help bring encounter. And I almost said this in the very beginning of our talk, but in a meeting, God really gave me a book.

[17:03] You know, it was the very end of a meeting. I was actually giving prophetic words and very end of the meeting. And the Lord says, you can give that away.

[17:11] And I'm like, oh, wow. And I just knew what he meant. And it was this word encounter. And it was just absolutely pregnant with the realities that he had given to me.

[17:21] And I was like, oh, my gosh, I can give that away. And there was no time to give that word at that church. And I was so annoyed, but I just.

[17:28] I was like, oh, man, I failed my assignment. But I realized that the Lord had a book in me. I. And, you know, I wrote that book in like a year with like, only 15 minutes a day.

[17:39] And it was amazing. It ended up being like two books. Anyway, it's. It's. It's a great book, but. And it's called Encounters. But the. The idea was I had really been just seeing how, you know, just watching God do these encounters in me and how it brought me so much closer to him.

[17:59] And then I was looking for tools at the same time on how to do that with other people. I came across a ministry called Sozo. Sozo is a Greek word.

[18:08] It means saved, healed, and delivered. And anytime you see one of those words in the New Testament, which is like 170 times or something like that, but anytime you see those words, it's.

[18:18] They use the word sozo It's a Greek word, and it means all three of those. So the. The guy at the temple, beautiful. He jumped, he leaped, he blessed gods.

[18:27] So he had a physical healing and emotional healing and spiritual healing, all three of them. So that's. It's a beautiful word. But anyway, all that. That's a type of inner healing that I just really love.

[18:38] And I think it's really powerful because it focuses on connecting with the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit as a priority of its ministry and getting you as the receiver of the inner healing, the one that came for the.

[18:52] That service to get connected with the healer. And it's just a beautiful ministry. I've loved watching people, you know, watch the walls come down, and then all of a sudden, they're like, oh, I can hear him.

[19:06] This is real. I get it. You know, and it's amazing how much the Holy Spirit will bring up, like, a memory or something where they. Where the root of bitterness came in.

[19:15] And. And then there's some kind of healing that he has in store there. And we use tools, but it's always just tools that help you conversate and really connect with.

[19:25] With God. And so it's just my favorite. I love inner healing. It's such a powerful ministry.

[19:31] Jan Johnson: It's like giving birth, you know, could.

[19:36] Josh Marcengill: Be, because there's just so much transformation, but you're in the hands of this comforting, loving Father. And even though some. I have had some sessions that, you know, that can get really, really intense and those kinds of things, but he's just so intentional about loving you out of this.

[19:53] Like, there's a scripture that comes to mind. It's like death is swallowed up in victory. What does that mean? Well, it means the victory of Christ inside us actually can swallow up all the death, all the.

[20:04] So all the things that are right with us. The Christ that's right with us can swallow up all the. The death, all the. All the things that are wrong with us are out of.

[20:12] Out of sync, out of, you know, because the word sin actually means unaligned or like, missed the mark, you know, so it's. It's. It's about this alignment thing, you know, so.

[20:24] And God can do that. And he's. He's just a beautiful, wonderful shepherd, and he really knows what he's doing. He really loves inner healing.

[20:32] Jan Johnson: Well, he kind of made us. Yes. So I kind of felt this.

[20:41] The fact that he does know us through and through and clear down to the things that we may not even recognize we have. So, you know, that are Blocking and.

[20:51] Yeah, yeah. And I do think, too, there's.

[20:56] I think there are times, specific times when Satan does attack us and try to prevent us from doing things. And, I mean, it's not just a bunch of random things that happen.

[21:08] Sometimes you just know that this is an attack.

[21:13] Josh Marcengill: Yeah. Spiritual warfare. And, you know, it's not against flesh and blood, even when we think it is. Yeah, we think. Is that. That boss? Yeah. How many times have you had that boss?

[21:24] It's a repeat version of the last one or something like that. Oh, no, there's a, There's a stronghold there. There's something else going on there. There's. There's a spiritual warfare that's going on there and it can be attacked.

[21:35] You can come in with some. With the, the king, with Jesus, like right there, you know. Absolutely. You know, he's not going to take it. You know, he's just going to put it to bed.

[21:46] Jan Johnson: Yeah, yeah. Because we got a daddy that loves us. Anyone's the best. How. How could we be more intentional about our relationship with Jesus?

[21:58] Josh Marcengill: Okay. So when I started to have experiences with God, I really started to realize that I had a history with God. So you can do that even right now. So if you think back on experiences that you've had, they could be really extreme experiences.

[22:16] Like maybe it was a car accident that almost happened or something like that, and you just knew the Holy Spirit, something spiritual got you out of that. Well, that's the Lord.

[22:25] You can build up your faith from that. I want to start there because that includes encounter, and it includes our experiences with God. And I remember stuff that happened to me when I was like, 7 years old.

[22:37] And I'm. I, I might be messing with somebody's theology here. When I talk about this stuff. I know it messed with mine and, but, like, but God just doesn't have, like, you know, the limitations that we often put on him.

[22:49] He can do whatever he wants. And so when we look back at our life and we recognize and give a tribute to those moments that were just so interesting or out of, out of sync or just obviously supernatural, then.

[23:02] Then we can know that he was involved, and he was there. He was comforting me. He was, you know, like, I remember when my. This is a sad story, but when my dad died, I remember him, you know, appearing to me as like an angel almost and telling me over and over again, everything's going to be okay now.

[23:18] I didn't have a, you know, a Christian idea of what was going on there, but I just thought, oh, wow, what A weird experience like a dream or something like that.

[23:25] And I probably believed in ghosts at the time, I can't really recall, but I was like, it was probably my dad's ghost. But now when I look back on this in this redeemed like lens, I'm like thinking, oh wow, God was really wanting to comfort me and telling me something that I needed to hear so many times in my life.

[23:42] After that it came up and that voice of everything's going to be okay, just came right back to where I needed it and those kinds of things. So those experiences with God I believe are deeply personal and very.

[23:55] And that it's not somebody else's faith, it's your faith. Just like that. And maybe you're even thinking of one right now that's so powerful. It's like because it's your faith, it didn't come from your pastor, it didn't come from me, it came from you and your experience with God.

[24:10] And that's so important. Sometimes we're trying to so hard to carry around our parents faith or our pastor's faith or you know, some, the latest book we read and all that stuff can impart and give you, you know, ideas about this limitless God.

[24:26] But, but it's really important to have your own journey with the Lord. I just think that's, that's so important. And then of course like all the other things, like get in the word, get into a body of Christ, you know, I've already talked about that.

[24:38] But I think those things are very critical in helping you really develop a healthy, connected version of like the reality and the capital T truth of Jesus Christ.

[24:49] Jan Johnson: Yeah, yeah. And it seems like a good way to approach that is to journal through that really, you know, because then you have it kind of your milestones just like the Israelites going through.

[25:04] Let's set up an altar here, you know, friend of mine calls it a big rocks, big rock event, you know, but the actual events, when you do picture where Jesus is or was throughout your life, you know, and then he wasn't necessarily causing the things that happened to you, but he was there and aware of them.

[25:28] Josh Marcengill: Yes. Yeah. There's one more point. I just, just came to my mind. But like being present is something that is very hard in our world, you know, it is. There's so many distractions, there's so many things that you can be thinking of.

[25:42] You can be off in the, in the future while you're talking to someone or anything and just the skill of being really present. The meditation is all over the Bible, David, Joshua, all these guys.

[25:52] It's a very. It's a biblical version of meditation, but it's. It's, you know, it's. There's. It's amazing and it's in there. And it's about being really, really there with God.

[26:03] And then the interesting thing I think about that and the reason I brought it up really is because, you know, God is very interested in your future, hope, faith, all that kind of stuff.

[26:11] So he's very interested in that. He's in your past, redemption, etc. But he is available to us in this present moment. He's not available to us in that moment. I mean, he will be, of course, when we get there, but he's not there right now.

[26:24] He's here with us at this moment. And so becoming present, being a person of being present, because there is where the presence is. I can even feel him when I'm talking about it.

[26:36] It's so amazing just thinking about just this skill of becoming very present. That's. That's where you'll find the pearl of great price. He's just right there with you, Right this moment.

[26:48] Jan Johnson: Yeah, yeah. And accessible.

[26:52] Accessible. And either to give me direction or to answer prayers or at least know he's listening to them and. Yeah. Yeah.

[27:05] So good.

[27:06] Tell us a little bit about your. So you did a little bit about your book. So you've written one book or more.

[27:12] Josh Marcengill: We have a lot of journals. There's a book that I wrote that's a smaller book. It's called Edifying. That one's about learning to prophesy with confidence. And it's. It's kind of a journal slash book.

[27:23] So it's. There's another book we call Testify, and that book is also kind of a journal slash book. And it's an exercise in helping you kind of nail down the specifics on how to tell your testimony.

[27:36] I believe when we tell our testimonies, it passes around the, you know, heaven. Heaven's resources, like that would not be on earth if heaven didn't intervene in your life. And so being able to tell those stories in different ways and being able to share them and be confident about that is really important, I think, for the Christian walk.

[27:54] I mean, even me, I'm an introvert, actually. But I've. I've written down my. I've done a lot of journaling. I've. You know, I've. I've done what I can to try to cultivate my story so that I can hand it to someone.

[28:04] They can Take it and begin to believe that God can do this stuff in. In their life. He's no respecter of persons. Anything that he's done for me, he can do for you.

[28:13] Jan Johnson: Yeah. Yeah. And where can people find you?

[28:17] Josh Marcengill: Yeah. Abundantencounters.com and there's our. Our journals are on there. You can schedule a Sozo or financial Sozo on there. And yeah, you can. You can reach out to me, too. I love questions.

[28:28] If people have questions about encounters or, you know, something they experience that they want to hash out, I get it. And I would love to be that person in your life.

[28:37] Jan Johnson: Yeah. Very, very good. One last thing that you'd like to leave with the listeners.

[28:45] Josh Marcengill: Yeah, I just feel like God is like.

[28:49] I just. I love how in this show, I've just felt so comforted the whole time.

[28:55] I know I didn't come here with that. So God is doing that. And so, yeah, I just. Let me pray for people. Is that okay if I do that?

[29:02] Jan Johnson: Yes. Yes.

[29:03] Josh Marcengill: Yeah. So, Lord, your comfort is available to each and every listener and to me, obviously, but also to everyone else, Lord. So I just pray that you would absolutely help our attention just in our.

[29:16] Just everything that that's in us to become present within that comfort, Lord. Help us to comfort, to be comforted, to have a soft heart towards your comfort even now. In the name of your.

[29:28] Your son, Jesus Christ, I just thank you so much for what you can do to ease our heart and remove stress and replace it with your presence, Lord. And I just thank you, Father, for doing that even now.

[29:41] Everything is going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay.

[29:49] Yeah.

[29:50] Jan Johnson: Amen. Amen. Wow. What a delight. That is so great. Okay, well, I can't wait to share this with everyone. And I am really delighted to have met you.

[30:03] Josh Marcengill: Thank you for having me on it. It was really great. Yeah.