Just Talkin' About Jesus

Robert Hunt Nobody Cares Until You Do: Accountability

Robert Hunt Episode 31

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Nobody Cares Until You Do
Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby
Just Talking About Jesus website
FREE book Available for free Nov. 16, 17

How often do we go day by day, doing what we do, without thinking about the fact that we will one day be accountable to God? 

Hebrews 4:13 says, “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.

 With that in mind, do continue in our ways without thought, or do we stop to recognize that maybe the situation we’re in is because we’re not doing things Gods way. The best way. The way that leads to righteous and wholesome living.

 Join us today as we explore the topic of accountability with Robert Hunt.

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[00:03] Jan: Welcome to Just Talking About Jesus. I'm Jan Johnson, a seasoned believer who loves relationships and, you know, just talking about Jesus. My guest today is Robert Hunt. Robert, welcome.

[00:16] Robert Hunt: Well, thank you for having me on the show.

[00:18] Jan: We're going to do a little talking about Jesus today.

[00:21] Robert Hunt: I love it. Love it.

[00:23] Jan: What's the biggest topic on your mind that our listeners should know about? Or at least.

[00:32] Robert Hunt: I wrote this book about accountability a couple years ago called Nobody Cares Until You Do. And the whole premise behind it is that in our world, we've really lost the vision of what real accountability looks like, especially those of us who follow Jesus. We're going to be accountable for the life we live. At some point, we're going to stand before the Father, and whatever we've done, good or bad, from the time that we accepted the gift of salvation through faith in Christ, we will be accountable for that life. And I think we forget that. And so we get really busy with stuff and there's stuff to do, and I get that, but I think we forget that we will be accountable for the life we live. Jesus talked about it in parables about the parable of the talents. And he talked about, you know, chasing down to get that. That place where they found gold in the ground. They sold everything to get it, or to find that pearl of great price. You know, there's always these things that he talks about, choosing wisely and using your resources wisely and staying focused on what he wants. And so we've become kind of selfish and complainers as a church because we don't like the sound of the music that the choir puts out, or we don't like the air conditioning, or we don't like the chairs, or we don't like this pastor. And we forgot that it's really all about worshiping God, serving the Lord and serving others. And so I really want to encourage people to think about your life in this way. You have been given so much, and you are accountable to God for what you do with it. Do you really know what accountability means? Accountability, in the simplest terms, means you own it. That means you are the one who will be looked at and judged according to what you do. And so you can blame your parents, you can blame the church, you can blame everything, but nothing will change the fact that you are going to be standing before God someday and he'll ask you, what did you do with the resources I gave you? And so I really want to inspire people to. To look at life that way.

[02:26] Jan: And I think, yeah, it's, it's. And and really, emphasis on what did you do? Because God's just looking. You and me. You and me. What is it that you did? I mean it. And was it worth doing? You know, is the things that you said, are they worth saying? Are they.

[02:46] Robert Hunt: What we do in life is there's four things that hold us back from being victorious in Christ. We blame, we make excuses, we say we can't, or we wait in hope. And those four things keep us from being productive. And God rewards obedience. He rewards the fact that we do what he calls us to do. But too many times we make excuses for why we don't do something God's called us to do. Or we blame the church or someone. I don't go to church anymore because it's full of hypocrites. Of course it's full of hypocrites. That's why we go to church. We're trying to unhip. And so we all get together and people will say things that. It's like a blank check to not do what God's called you to do. But you can make all the excuses you want or blame or say, I can't. I can't do that. Well, yes, you can. You can. We can do all things through Christ, who gives us strength. That's in the Bible. And with the power of God living inside of us, there's nothing we can't do. But we wait and hope that, well, maybe something will come along. Maybe someone else will do this. This is where God is saying, I brought this opportunity to you. I fed it to you right in front of you, and you did nothing about it. And you looked around waiting for someone else to do it, but it was yours. So I really want people to understand those traps that if you're blaming, you're making excuse, you're saying you can't, or you're just waiting and hope it gets better. You are not being accountable for the life that God gave you.

[04:06] Jan: How do you recognize God's voice telling you what things to do?

[04:11] Robert Hunt: In the individual aspect of things to do that is hard. There's a series of things. A great book to help you understand that better is called Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby. It's an old book, but it really does teach you how to be aware and listen to God and understand that God is a work around us all the time. If you really want to know what to do, start by understanding who God is. And the way we understand that is by reading His Word and spending time thinking about what does that mean listen to pastors who help you understand it. They're taking it and they're making it in ways you can understand. Talk about it with other people in your world. Just like we debate about who to vote for or how to do this or that or how to cook a recipe, we talk to people. Take this faith that God has given you and talk about it and practice it. See how it works. See it doesn't work. So you start to learn enough about the. The way to do things that the things to do become easier to understand. If I know that I'm a. I'm married to my beautiful wife Kathy, it's very easy to make decisions in the light of that awareness of who I am in relationship to my marriage to her. I don't go to stripper bars, even though I'm an adult. And I could go, because that's ridiculous. Those are God's children. I don't need to treat them that way and have a beautiful wife who doesn't need to have me looking at other people. I can go, but I don't because that's based on who I know I am with her. Well, when you know who you are with God, it's easy to make decisions in light of that. How do I spend God's money? You know that 10% you give to him leaves you 90%, but that 90% still belongs to Him. He just let you use it. And he's going to hold you accountable for how you spent the money he gave you. So if you take all the money he gives you and you spend it all and then you spend more and get into debt, you not only say, hey, that wasn't enough, God, I'm not going to live contently. I'm going to now go get into debt, which causes me stress and worry. Jesus says, don't worry. Well, you have to do things proactively to not worry. If you do things that make you in a stressful, difficult place, you're going to worry. Don't do those things that are going to cause you to disobey God by the behavior. So I think making decisions is a lot easier once we understand who we are in light of who God is.

[06:19] Jan: Yeah, yeah, I think that's so true. What are steps people can take to really beside. I mean, is that more or is that like, that's the package? These are the steps.

[06:32] Robert Hunt: Well, let's look at it. I want to look at it from another perspective. I want to look at it from the idea of responsibility versus accountability. Let's Say that scenario with our finances again. You make money and you are responsible to take care of that money. So what's the responsible thing to do with 100% of the money you have? Why responsibly? Because I'm a Christ follower and God's word says to tithe. I give 10% back to my local church. That's my, my tithe. That's my joy because I get to do that because of all the blessings he's given me. But that leaves me with 90 cent. 90%. Now then proactively, how do I create a world of accountability with that 90%? Now I know having a budget is one way because then I can anticipate expenses and I can save some because I know there's going to be something I don't plan for that's proactively creating accountability. If I don't save and I don't have a budget, then when something goes wrong, what do I do? I put it on a credit card and then I try and keep up with the credit card. Well, if the weight of my debt is so much that I have to take another job just to keep up with minimum payments. Now I don't get to serve at church because I have no time. Now I don't get to go to my kids games because I'm working a second job at night. Now I don't get to sit and talk with a friend who really needs help because I'm busy. So all the things that we're doing take away the opportunity. 


When we say I can't, it's really, I won't, I won't live a life that allows me to be available for God to move in my life. If I run out of money and I go put it in debt and then I have to serve that debt by taking another job, all that does is make me tired and exhausted. Then I'm cranky, then I have bad emotions. We're feeding into our self-destruction and we're putting ourselves in a place where God cannot interrupt your life to do what he wants to do through you. Because you put yourself in such a box, there's no time, there's no money, there's no health. And you have no emotions left because you've spent it all on worry and fear and anxiety. How does God interrupt you and go, hey, go care for that person? Well, you can't. You can't because you have no time, no, no money, no health, no emotional bandwidth because you've wrecked it by being irresponsible. 


So accountability is different. than responsibility. Accountability is proactively creating a way that I can live my life available for God. That is accountability to him. Responsible means when something comes up, I deal with it. 


But am I dealing with it in the way that God created me for or am I just getting by? And I think we get by far too often and we put God in a little box where, well, if I get a chance, I'll do this for God. If you get a chance, I'll go serve one Sunday a year and at the parking patrol at our church. You know that that's not a life full of joy and rich blessings because of obedience to God. And then you look at your relationship with God and you go, this is no fun. There's nothing here. Well, it's because you didn't give him any room, that you didn't leave any room for God to be a part of your life. So no wonder it's boring and drab and empty. You kicked them out and you kept them out. If you really, really want to have an amazing relationship with God, you have got to be accountable to what he asked us to do with our life, which is to be a good steward and be available to him and to others.

[09:40] Jan: I think, first of all, I think anybody can do even small things like speaking joy to other people. You know, just a word of affirmation to somebody or something cost you anything. They don't take much time and they're just like, you know, doing something like that is a good start. Plus you're looking outside of yourself when you do that.

[10:05] Robert Hunt: The problem is you don't see that because you're so absorbed with your own junk, you can't see other people. There are times where God will bring someone in your life and you may be entertaining angels unaware, but because you're so wrapped up in your own junk, you have no room to look around at the world around you. And I'm telling you, when I'm in the zone in my walk with the Lord and I'm thinking about him and listening to him and enjoying him, things come up all around me, all around me all the time. Someone at a, at a convenience store where I'm checking out who's having a bad day and I get to say, I'm sorry you're having a bad day. I'm going to pray you have a better day. And I move on. Everyone at the office, all my clients, my neighbors, there's always something going on. But if I'm not so self-absorbed in my own junk that I created in Most cases that I created, then I can see around me to all the great things that God is doing, and I get to be a part of that. That is exciting. That is a rich life full of God using you for the purpose he created you for. That's fun.

[11:06] Jan: And I like to start my day just going, okay, God, just show me who I'm going to encounter. And maybe, maybe I don't even go out for that day. But there might be a phone call or there might be somebody pops in my head or who am I going to encounter and what do you want me to do with it? You know?

[11:20] Robert Hunt: Yeah, yeah, that's the right attitude. And let's say, you know, you're an old person. You can't go in. My mom was 93. She went to be with the Lord in August, but my mind was 93. And for the last few years, she wore a diaper and sat in a wheelchair just waiting to go to be to heaven. Did she have no value? I would argue she had value. I would tell you that the nurses that came to her funeral who cried and said, we will miss Jerry, because the joy that she brought to that place that she lived in while she was wearing a diaper and waiting to die, she chose to still be talking about Jesus. She would sing hymns in her room by herself, and people would hear it. She was telling this old guy, you need to know Jesus. He's like, I don't need to know Jesus. You know, she was still talking about. And I. So I think that whether you leave the house or you're restricted, don't tell God what you can't do. Be available for what he brings to you, because he won't bring anything to you that you can't do. You just have to think about how to do it. Maybe you can't drive down the street, but you could make a phone call. You could have a zoom call like this. You could check in with your grandkids once a week, and if they don't answer, you could pray a blessing over them. You could go be on a phone with people who need just encouragement and sign up with your church. Whenever someone's feeling down, give me a call. I'm at home all the time. You know, there's something you could do. I just. My mom used to write in beautiful handwriting. That's kind of lost. This generation. Doesn't do cursive. My mom had beautiful handwriting. And people would show me notes that she'd written to them that not only were beautiful, but they were full of love. And kindness and blessings. Why not write a note to everybody you've ever met? I mean, the guy, Costco knows my mom by name. She knows my son, her grandkid, because she would always either bring my son there when she'd go shopping or talk about him. And he came to visit her in her assisted living home in her last days. The guy from Costco, you know, so stop putting God in a box of what you can't do. Show up and be available for what God wants to do. He's doing something. Don't say you can't figure out a way that you can do it because he's equipped you to do everything he brings to you.

[13:24] Jan: My first husband had a brain tumor and ended up paralyzed on his right side. So he started writing letters to people, you know, and. And just encouraging them and just. Which means so much more from somebody who looks like they don't have anything to. To be encouraged about, you know?

[13:45] Robert Hunt: Yeah. There's a guy here in the Plano, Texas area whose name is Nick Vujic.

[13:49] Jan: Yep, I just saw him.

[13:52] Robert Hunt: He did?

[13:53] Jan: Yeah.

[13:53] Robert Hunt: He has no arms and legs, and this guy's out serving the Lord and talking about it. He can never do anything by himself. I mean, really, Very, very little. Yet he's got a wife and four kids, and this guy swims in a pool. I do not get it. But, you know, if Nick Vujacek can be the hands and feet of God, you have no excuse.

[14:13] Jan: Yeah, Yeah. I watch him on Instagram. I mean, he's just so inspiring. Just like. And he tells it like it is, kind of like, yeah, **** up people you got. You don't have an excuse here.

[14:25] Robert Hunt: Yeah, I like him a lot because he does say that, because he could be a whiny, complaining, angry man, but he. Excuse me. He realizes he was made in the image of God. God's image for him looked like that. He is not a mistake. He was created exactly like that for God's purposes. I don't get it. I don't understand it, but I'm not God. But Nick has come to terms with the fact that God, in his infinite wisdom, has chose to make him like that so he will be thankful and be used by God all his days. I think that's how you should rock every bit of your life.

[14:58] Jan: No kidding. You know, what if we took inventories of our life and really wrote down all. All the areas. All the areas. Our financial, our family, each person in our family, what we do with our time. What are we doing during the day? What are we doing what are even inventory of our thoughts, you know, concerning whatever is going on. You know, I mean, that would put us so much into a better place to really examine ourselves.

[15:28] Robert Hunt: Yeah, I think we become our worst enemies. I've really become keenly aware of the. The idea how lazy I am. And you might look at my life and say, well, you're not lazy. I mean, I have my own business, I have a wife and kids, I volunteer in my community, I serve on boards, and I'm doing all kinds of stuff. There's a difference between being busy and being productive. And I think that sometimes we get busy with life doing stuff, and we have no time to do what is actually excellent. And lazy is just taking the lowest common denominator and just doing it. You know, put that, put that away. Sure. You open the cupboard door, you throw it in and you walk away. It's away. Right. Or there's the hang it up thing where you put it on a coat hanger and you make sure it's hung right and you close the door. So there's everything in life, if you start looking at how do you view what is excellent and how does God lead you to the opportunity to have excellence and do excellence in that Jesus says, be perfect because I'm perfect. We're never going to be perfect, but we could chase perfection and the closest we might get is excellence. And in that pursuit of excellence, which we have heard that phrase so many times, there is the quest about being the best you can be as you pursue the life you really want. And so can I be excellent and have a small business and only do a couple million dollars a year? Sure, that's excellent. Because I can still have a great marriage and spend time with my kids and serve at my church and love my neighbors and make time for my friends and still have a productive business. But. But it's the laziness that we default to the lowest common denominator, which is, well, I'll just focus on work and I'll just be really, really busy at work. And then I've got a great. I'm excellent because look how big my company is. Look how much money I'm making. And I tithe out of it. Well, what about the time of your tithe for your family? What about tithing your time for your neighbors who need help and caring for them? Or just your employees who are just really. They're humans and they need someone to spit, to stop and slow down and listen to them? I don't have time for that. I'm making money. You know, I think there's. It's lazy to live a life that isn't what you want it to be or called to be. And if we can keep saying lazy and how offensive that word sounds when you say someone's lazy, that's offensive. Good. Let it be offensive. Let it bug you so that you stop being lazy and be intentional at what would excellence look like in this area? And I'm going to go chase that.

[17:52] Jan: Yeah. And I think that that whole. Intentional is the key word, you know, in every area that you're doing, you know, is to become intentional. And yes. That I'm not just going to do this or I'm just. Yeah. And it's at some point too, you have to. I think you have to be a little intentional about like self care, you know, not being so busy that you don't have time for yourself to even think about.

[18:22] Robert Hunt: Everything's connected, you know, so all of that together, everything's connected. So if I don't manage my care, if I don't take care of me, if I don't get a good night's sleep, if I don't drink a lot of water during the day, if I don't eat healthy, if I don't take my medicine or go see the doctor, if I don't walk around and exercise, if I don't. Whatever. Whatever your thing is. Right. If you don't do that. That health problem now affects my ability to think well at work because my knees hurt or my back hurts or I've got heart problems and I'm, you know, whatever your thing is, it is a distraction to other parts of your life. They're all connected. And so when I don't feel really good, I don't think clearly. I have a hard time staying focused. And so when I talk to someone, I struggle to be getting the answers and to communicate they want to because I didn't get a good night's sleep or my body's hurting. I mean, I've seen people. I have a client right now who's going through chemo. Well, how do you think he's showing up at work every day? The best he's going to do is trying to answer the questions and go back and go to bed. But he's showing up at work working full days and he's yelling at people and he's not patient with people and he's not, not thinking creatively. So, you know, you're not going to be doing a good job. Go home, go take care, be accountable to the limits that your body has. And then also that comes to your time and your finances, because they're all connected. If I don't manage my time well, I don't manage my finances. They affect my health, the way I feel, the way I look at my life. And all of that stuff eats up my emotion. So next thing you know, I'm yelling at my spouse for no reason. I'm yelling at my kids for no reason. I'm being rude to people and being curtain short with people because I just don't have any bandwidth because I've done all these things that eat up everything else. People notice that. And that's not the way that we're going to represent Christ in the world to other people.

[20:04] Jan: Right, right. And it's just not good for us all the way around. It's all the way around. Well, tell me about your testimony. Yeah.

[20:12] Robert Hunt: I grew up in the church, grew up in Southern California. Chuck Swindoll was my pastor. I loved his teachings. I thought he was great. But I grew up playing church. I would lead a Sunday school class as a young adult and then take my clients to nudie bars. Actually, that's twice that topics come up today. But I was quite the hypocrite. And I would have one life with my friends at work and one life with my friends at church. And it wasn't Till I was 31 years old that I went to a Promise Keepers conference and saw thousands of men standing together worshiping the Lord. And I thought, what am I missing? How come I'm like, how come I don't feel like this? Why do I not care? And I realized I never really surrendered my life to Christ. I had just been saved from the fires of hell. But he was not the Lord of my life. He was my Savior, but He wasn't my Lord. It's a big difference. So that day in 1994, I surrendered my life to Jesus for the first time. And it was a total change in my life. And since then, I've walked a journey of. Of listening to him and trusting him and getting to know him and loving Him. And my life is rich because of that. I need. I've been through hard times. I got divorced. I went through a bankruptcy. I've lost my job. I've struggled to keep my company alive. I felt really, really hard times. But he has never once rejected me or ignored me or let me down. So I know who I talk about. I know who Jesus is. And I walk with him today. I enjoy my relationship with God. It's not an obligation. It's not a thing I do. It's. It's who I am. I am a child of God, and he considers me that someone he loves, a friend calls me a friend. So I feel very honored to be chosen by him to represent him to the. To the world. And that's my passion, is I like to represent Jesus in the business world. I have a business. I'm very public in my life, so I can be out in front of other people and represent Christ in the business community and trying to help more people find Jesus because of that.

[22:11] Jan: Yeah. Yeah. It's a sweet place to be, isn't it? I love being retired because that's all I can. You know, I write books and I do my podcasts, and it's just like I. I told God as soon as I retired, you know, my biggest goal is I want to develop relationships. That's all I want. And. And tell me what you want me to do and how you want that to happen. But I feel like that's what. What I'm supposed to be about, and.

[22:39] Robert Hunt: Nice.

[22:40] Jan: I love where I'm at.

[22:41] Robert Hunt: Yeah, well, I don't think we ever retire. I think you have moved your job from one thing to another job and writing books and doing podcasts. I mean, it's work and. And anything other than play is work. And so when I come home and I do chores, it's work. When I pay the bills, when I, you know, do the things in my life that have to get done for obligations, it's work. And so I think as long as we're willing to do it in a way that pleases the Lord, we can be very productive.

[23:10] Jan: Yeah. Yeah, that's true. So tell us about your book.

[23:14] Robert Hunt: So the book is called nobody cares until you do, and we called it that on purpose, because the turning point in your life is when you realize and you say to yourself, look, nobody cares. You could be fat, broke, unhappy, have a miserable marriage, have miserable kids, angry at God, whatever you want to do, it's up to you. And nobody really does care. They don't. They got enough junk of their own. They don't have time for your junk. But when you get to a place in your life where you say, wait, nobody cares. I need to own this. And when you do say that, and when you do start to own it, you actually gain the power to change everything in your life. And we. We modeled this and experienced this in our own life. My beautiful wife Kathy and I, we've been married 26 years. In 2019 we had were $90,000 in debt, and it was haunting us. And we were angry at each other and angry at the world and angry at God that God wasn't blessing us, which meant somehow get us out of the debt we created. And so in 2019, we just said, look, this is wrong. We're not living the life we want. We're blaming God. We're angry about this. We need to change it. We need to own this. And so we decided that year that we would sell our house and start over. And so we hired a real estate agent and we sold our home, and we took all the money that we had in equity and we paid off all of our debt, and we moved into this house here that we rent today, and we started over. And the peace that we had was unbelievable. I had, bit by bit, been putting myself into a stressful lifestyle where I didn't realize it, but I was very stressed, and I was very angry at God. And I was unhappy with most things because my life wasn't going the way I wanted it to. But I had created that. I had drove us to that place. And so when I owned it and I fixed it by, with God's help, I had this peace that said, wow, I have nothing left between me and God. And that's pretty cool. And so through that, we watched God restore my business and build it up. And it doubled in 2020 when the world was shutting down for Covid, and it doubled again in 21. And I believe that's directly because of obedience to God. I believe obedience brings blessings. And when you're obedient to God, he can give you the blessings he wants to give you. It's not like, obey God so I can get stuff out of him. I obey God. I obey God because he deserves to be obeyed, because he's God. But in response to that, like a loving father, he wants to give me blessings. He wants to do great things for me, but until he sees my heart ready to receive them, he won't do it. It's like taking your kid to Disneyland, you know, I'm not going to take you there if you're a spoiled brat and you're awful. But when you obey and you're doing what you're supposed to do, I'd love to do nice things for you. So we earn that through our obedience, not God's love. God's love is free. We will get his love forever for free. But the blessings that come with obedience are very there. So we watched that and we thought, this is something that truly works. We need to teach people about this. And so that's why my friend and I, Salem Thine, who co authored the book with me, we take our stories and talk about the challenges of life. Salem tried to kill himself when he was younger. Just felt hopeless and decided nobody cared about his life and he was going to kill himself and he didn't die. And he got up the next morning, he's like, well, okay, there's that, let's go on. And he realized that, you know, the drama isn't going to fix the fact that you feel defeated and lost. And, and I think that people get to the end of their life or they feel like there's no hope. There is hope. There's always hope. So one thing, you can never lose that when everything is lost, you still have hope. And so I really wanted to help show people what freedom and joy comes from a life of accountability. And so that's why we wrote the book.

[26:50] Jan: That's awesome. I'll put a link in the show notes for that. The event that I went to that had Nick Wojciech and it also had Ed Mylett and he. Oh my gosh. Yeah, listen to him. He is God filled man. That, that gives just encouragement both on business matters but also how to, how to be the best person you can be and how to just clean up your life and you know, just steps to, to really get you to, to be who God wants you to be. And it is motivating. I'd never heard of him before. Apparently he was a famous baseball player. I don't know, I don't do sports very much so I don't know that one. But look at my. Ed Mylett.

[27:34] Robert Hunt: How do you spell his last name?

[27:36] Jan: Y, L, E, T, T. Ed Mylett.

[27:40] Robert Hunt: Okay.

[27:41] Jan: Yeah, he is amazing. It just. Yeah. You want to ask you what, what else would you like to leave with the listeners?

[27:52] Robert Hunt: Yeah. I started journaling a year ago, almost a year ago to this last month. And the benefit of journaling was clarity. In my professional life, I help my clients get clarity, get freedom and get going. And so I lacked clarity. I'm an emotional person and sometimes I lie to myself. My emotions lie to me. And I would feel defeated or I would feel like I don't measure up. I would have these negative thoughts. You know, negative self talk is a real thing and it can take us off our track. And so I started writing down my thoughts because when they're up here spinning around, I'm overwhelmed. I just feel like I suck. But when I'M on a, when I put them on a piece of paper and I look at them, I go, well, you're not like that. That's not true. Why would you say that? And looking at them, it diffuses the power of what's up in your brain. So as you are struggling through your journey and, and trying to get your head clear of the lies that happen, that, that constantly pop up in your brain, write them down. Write them down on a piece of paper. Even if you think, oh, I don't want someone to read that, fine, write it down and then burn it, you know, who cares? But long enough to look at it and go, well, that's not true. That's not true either. Why do I think that? And let some time. For the things that are popping up in your head that are not true, take those to God and say, I feel this way, I feel this way. And compare it in light of God's truth. Does he say you suck? No, he loves you so much he died for you. He considers you to be precious that if there were 99 in his flock and one was missing and that was you, he'd go find you. You know all these things that God's word talks about providing for us and caring for us and forgiving us, you need to take all those thoughts captive. You need to own it. And the way to captivate it is to put it in writing and then hold it up compared to God's word and go, well that's not true, that's not true, and that's not true. Now there are things that you're probably doing wrong because I've got things I do wrong, then fine, go own it. That's accountability. And go do something about it. Don't say you can't, don't make an excuse, don't blame anybody else, don't wait and hope, go do something about it and set yourself up to the freedom that God died for. He came to set us free. Not so we could be slaves to our thoughts and the lies that pop into our head. So one of the best ways to capture that is to put it in writing and do battle against those lies because they are that, they're lies.

[30:23] Jan: Good words. Such good words. Robert, thank you so much for joining me today. I am anxious to share this with everybody because it's just really good life giving stuff. Thank you so much.

[30:38] Robert Hunt: Well, I'm glad we got a chance to talk and talk about Jesus is always a good thing.

[30:43] Jan: Always a good thing.