Just Talkin' About Jesus

Lavaudus and Liz Scott: An Orange Apron and a Divine Encounter

Liz and Lavaudus Scott Episode 2

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Lavaudus's journey begins from a seemingly ordinary job at Home Depot, where a divine encounter sparks his interest in Jesus and eventually leads him to a new path. 

His initial misconception of religion is transformed into a deep relationship with God, prompting him to move across the country to Oregon. 

Along the way, he meets Liz, who becomes an essential part of his faith journey. 

They both discover their calling in children's ministry, where they find joy in teaching and planting seeds of faith in young hearts. 

Liz, influenced by her grandmother's dedication to Sunday school teaching, carries on her legacy by becoming a Sunday school teacher herself. 

Together, Lavaudus and Liz create a nurturing environment for the children, modeling Christ's behavior and instilling a strong foundation of faith. 

Additionally, Lavaudus shares his passion for music through rap, channeling his experiences and love for Jesus into soulful expressions. Their inspiring testimony showcases the power of relationships and the transformative journey of faith.

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[00:02] Jan: Welcome to just talking about Jesus. I'm Jan Johnson, a seasoned believer who loves relationships. And, you know, just talking about Jesus.

[00:13] Lavaudus: What he was really showing me is that my salvation really mattered. You know, he really cared about what I wanted to spend the rest of my life.

[00:23] Jan: Welcome, everyone, to our episode of just talking about Jesus. I got Marty Archangelo here.

[00:31] Marti: Hi, everybody.

[00:32] Jan: And we have Levada Scott. We're going to start with him. And then his lovely wife Liz will share about just what Jesus means to them and how they got to where they are today.

[00:44] Lavaudus: Well, it started with me working in home depot. Can you picture me with an orange apron on?

[00:51] Jan: We won't miss you.

[00:54] Lavaudus: So, yeah, this is me just in the orange apron in Greenville, South Carolina, 2 hours from Atlanta, 2 hours from charlotte. And I was just a normal kid, just in the world. And I said that I knew Jesus, but I darely didn't know Jesus. So it started with my boss. His name was Bob, and he just handpicked me. He was like, hey, I want you to go help that guy over there, and I want you to sell him a grill. Okay? I'm like, oh, okay, whatever. He just definitely did that. So I went over there, and I was just greeting myself. I was like, hey, sir, how are you? And he was like, yeah, so I'm interested in how low you can go on this grill because it's a little bit steep. And I was like, oh, okay. Well, honestly, I'm gonna be real with you. I'm a Christian, and I don't wanna lie. So the lowest I can go is dollar 200. And immediately, that guy was like, oh, so you're a Christian? And when that guy started saying that, I was like, oh, I guess he wants to hear about what makes me a Christian. So I got it all wrong. I thought that you just praised the Lord and the church, and then you're back to reality, back to doing your own selfish thing. As long as you give your respects to the Lord on Sunday. Yeah, I thought that was what it was about, but he just humbly just said, hey, you should stop by our church. And I was like, oh, okay, maybe he's a guy that just goes there or something like that.

[02:15] Jan: Were you going to church at the time?

[02:16] Lavaudus: No, I wasn't. Yeah, yeah. I was just in the word. I was kind of, like, trying to read the Bible in a year. Just.

[02:22] Liz: Yeah.

[02:22] Lavaudus: Cause honestly, I'm gonna be humble right now and vulnerable. I thought, you know, the 144,000 in the Bible, I mean, I was kind of paranoid about that. In revelation, but, yeah, now it's like, yeah, Jesus. Yeah, steps in. But anyway, I found out the guy was a pastor of the church. So I was talking to the pastor of that church, and he ended up telling me, giving me little Bible studies in a nice little interview room. It was scary at first because it's like light was on me. It's like an investigation room. And he was like, so what do you know about Jesus? And I'm like, uh. And I mean, it was just so much pressure. But what he was really showing me is that my salvation really mattered. You know? He really cared about what I wanted to spend the rest of my life and how I wanted to live it. So that's why he was, like, serious about it. Honestly, I just like, oh, I don't know why he was so serious. But now when I look back at it, yes, he was serious. So once he taught me all of the ins and outs, and he went through romance road in debt, like, the whole romance road thing, but he put it in debt for me. It stood out to the point where he's like, yo, this dude cares about my life more than I do. So I was like, wow. He had me so invested to the point where I wanted to get baptized the moment after we got doing the whole romans road thing in depth, and he was like, you're going to be okay. We're just going to pray and we're going to. Yeah, God's going to work itself out. So I was like, okay, okay. Couldn't sleep that night, but the next day I ended up getting baptized. Yeah, yeah. And everybody was, like, celebrating with me. And I had a nice little small circle of people that was at the church around my age, took them, took me out to eat, made a poster for me. And, you know, it was awesome. It was a birthday. It was. Yeah, it was a birthday. Yes. Spiritual birthday. Birthday. After all of that, I ended up linking up with someone because, okay, I was linking up with someone in Oregon. So the whole oregon thing is coming to foot. After I got baptized, and I met a girl named Katie here, and she lived in Warrenton, oregon, and we met on an online Christian dating. So we were just talking. I was like, I'm never going to meet her, so I'm just going to talk to her, just to apply by time and see how that goes. We ended up just getting closer and closer. And she was a believer in Jesus as well. But funny thing is is that her mom thought I was some guy from Africa that didn't want nothing to do with her. I just wanted her money, and she was pressing for a Skype conversation with me. And you should have seen her face when that Skype conversation happened. She was like. She had like 3 seconds. It had the same face, but.

[05:19] Jan: And it wasn't even frozen.

[05:21] Lavaudus: It wasn't at all. So then, you know, God was just working, you know, so God allowed this lady, the mom, pay for my ticket to actually come out and visit Katie. And I was like, what? This ticket was like $500? Yeah. Yeah. So I never had nothing like that happen to me. So I couldn't even take it in on, but I was like, hey, I'm not taking away nobody's blessing. I'm gonna go fly to Oregon. And this was around, like, 2013. 2013? Yes, 2013. I came out here to visit, and I loved the place. Everybody was happy. Everybody's. I went to a local church. Yeah, everybody was nice. Everybody was just, like, accepting me. And once I came back, I just talked to God. And this is the whole talking me talking to Jesus type thing. I got down on my knees that night after I came home, and I was like, jesus, if you want me to. I mean, like, I'm still kind of doubting in a sense, you know, because I was a new believer, and I was like, God, if you real, like, please just show me a sign. Like, if you want me to move to Oregon, let me dream of an Oregon mascot. Oregon dunk. And if you want me to actually stay here, let me dream of a university of South Carolina game. College. That's their mascot. I kid you not. When I had that dream, angel, angel with football gloves had a yellow o on the glove. I was like, I was looking like Katie's mom for 3 seconds waking up on that Skype call. But, yeah, I immediately just told my sister she seen my faith journey, and she was only the only one to believe. Everybody else thought I was just going crazy because, you know. Yeah, they didn't believe harley as much, so I ended up talking to her and was like, hey, do you want me to do this? Yeah, definitely do this. There's nothing here for you in South Carolina. Okay, we'll still be here for you, but you need to, like, create your own little story. Okay. And I was like, wow. Okay. So I saved enough money, packed up all my clothes, ended up moving out here to Oregon. And, yeah, it's been a blessing ever since. Like, I never turned back. 2014, I moved out here to Oregon in September. So next year is going to be my ten year decade of being here. And, like, from there, I mean, the church that I went to with Katie, I ended up being a deacon there, and they ended up, like, showing me the ropes of how to be humble and serve and grow in the Lord. And then after I. I left that church, I ended up coming here, met Marty, and she was, like, the first person that I met, and she was like, she's so nice. She's just so nice to me. So, yeah, I was like, wow, this is a great. This makes me feel great. And, you know, the music, worship music was great. The people here was just as great. And I was starting. I was going here by myself for a while, and, you know, I was like, yo, I mean, I'm gonna be on the front line fighting. That's why I'm always sitting in the front, because I want to be on the front line, you know, front line worshiping. I mean, first one to get it, you know what I mean? So as that continued to grow, my faith continued to grow. And, yeah, I just talked to Jesus, like, I'm talking to you guys, but with, like, you know, just saying, like, hey, you're my, like, the way I pray now, it's broken down in a way where, you know, it's like, the prayer in the Bible where it's like, our father, highlight, be thy name, thy king. I do it in a way that, like, fits me. Yeah, like, hey, God, you are the masterpiece of the creation, lord. And you just. I just pour myself out to God to let him know that his ways is not, like, my ways, that I need to separate, that we can't be best friends. I mean, we like God. I can't do things God do. So I have to, like, know that I need to give him respect and let him know that, yo, you're changing my life. And I'm glad grateful for it. And I'm like, let your kingdom come. Let your will be done. I like God. Whatever you want me to do in my life, please let it be alert for me so I won't miss out and forgive me for any sins and leave me not a temptation and all that stuff. And I just tell them the sins I've been, like, struggling with. And it's been a great journey, you know, it's not always been easy. Only thing is that as long as you connect to God in some type of way, you will overcome anything.

[09:38] Jan: Yeah.

[09:39] Lavaudus: And, yeah, that's what I've been overcoming. It's been a whole lot of ups and downs since coming here, but it's been better, you know, just like with the message that pastor John was talking about, like, the old me. I was thinking about the old me in South Carolina, and old me in South Carolina was just wearing an apron and just trying to figure out what life is about.

[09:56] Jan: Yeah.

[09:56] Lavaudus: So I feel like God is like, hey, as long as I praise God, I'm good. But really, it's not. No, you need to have a relationship with God, not a religion with God. And I was having a religion with God, and now you need to know it. And I'm like, yo, how many other people like that?

[10:12] Marti: So you got out here and it didn't work with Katie. What happened as you were going with your faith walk? I remember seeing you the Sunday after you met Liz. So tell us a little bit about your beautiful life.

[10:32] Lavaudus: Oh, yes. So, yes, definitely another God thing, you know, just like me talking to Jesus. So I was talking to my sister, like, 02:00 in the morning or something. She was just talking to me about how she wants to believe in God, and she sees, like, how much I've grown and how much God has been in my life. She sees it and she's like, leviathan, you're just like, night and day. And I'm like, wow, thank you, sis. I appreciate that. And he's like, I'm just proud of you. Pray for me and stuff. I'm like, yeah, most definitely. So hung up the phone, and I ended up scrolling on a dating site and ended up finding this beautiful lady. And I was like, wow. I did something that I never did before. I never, like, make the first move. Okay? I just, like, sit in the back and just hope she notices me. But I was like, there's something special about this lady, so I'm going for it. I don't care.

[11:24] Jan: She's been that beautiful smile, I'm gonna shoot my shot.

[11:28] Lavaudus: And it was a swish, and I ended up. She ended up responding. I mean, I got on her facebook. I mean, I'm surprised that she didn't think that I was talking, but she, like, God must have gave her super comfort, great comfort, and, like, accepting my friend request and talking to me. We talked, like, all day, all that morning, and that day ended up being Valentine's Day. And I asked her like, hey, would you like to, you know, what are you doing for Valentine's Day on single awareness day? Sad. Sad. And she was like, oh, just, you know, sitting at home, you know, do it. The cat. I'm like, well, how about you do something like me? And no cap, that means no lie. I ended up taking her to a sushi restaurant, and I ended up being her favorite restaurant. I ain't even know it. So, yeah, we first met up each other right there on Valentine's Day, and we, like, had the best time ever. I remember that day like it was yesterday. And we walked the prom, see side prom. Stayed out till, like, 03:00 in the morning almost. Yeah. And it was just like, yeah, God, just, like, started. It started raining at 03:00 okay, guys, time to go. We were just sat there just talking to each other all night. And pretty much the day after that, I was like, would you like to be my girlfriend?

[12:47] Jan: Don't let no grass grow at you.

[12:50] Lavaudus: Yeah. So even though I moved quickly, I made sure during the girlfriend phase, I respected her. And we ended up coming into church together. And I didn't even know that her grandma went to church here, and she used to do the job that I did upstairs, you know, the children's ministry thing. So, God, this is a God thing.

[13:08] Jan: Isn't that kind of neat? How. I mean, first of all, Home Depot with a divine encounter. Like, oh, I'm just gonna match you up with some guy just to sell a grill that turns into coming to.

[13:20] Lavaudus: Oregon and made it.

[13:22] Jan: Liz.

[13:24] Marti: So, Lovatis, when you got here, I remember that you didn't really wanna have anything to do with kids. And your wife, before you got married, she kind of roped you in to helping out with the kids on Sunday. And you had been teaching some boys football, right?

[13:49] Lavaudus: Yes.

[13:50] Marti: Right. So then that was, like, the only kid thing that you wanted to do. But then Liz, like, pulled you along, and now you are so instrumental to those kids lives.

[14:00] Lavaudus: It's a God thing.

[14:01] Marti: Tell us. Yeah, tell us why it's a God thing. Like, what is happening in your heart and in the kids hearts when you're teaching them about God.

[14:12] Lavaudus: Wow. I can't even put it into words, honestly. It's like the joy on their face when they come into the class and eager to learn about Jesus and eager to have fun at the same time. And it's just very, very, very. It's a very beautiful thing to see. I look forward to it now. I mean, like, wow. Can't even put it into words. I mean, how much those kids mean to me. I just wanted to be, like, the best teacher that I never had when I grow up. And, you know, I always look at the kids standpoint, the kids point of view, and I also, you know, put it all in God's hands, and it ends up working out, you know, the best way. Because I know that I give it all to God, you know, no matter what goes on up there and make sure that they give it all to God, too. And they pretty much like, they model people that are adults, believe it or not, kids definitely look up to adults, no matter who they are, even if it's in bad situations, unfortunately. And I want to be the best positive role model that I can be, you know, the role model that I really never had growing up because it definitely plays a big part because, like, a kid can, like, be away from the faith, and all of a sudden we have a flash memory of, you know, us dancing in the classroom of him. Remember a verse that I said in the funny way or something, in a rap or something. I'm like, wow, I remember that. I remember Mister Levatis. Wow. Yeah. Maybe I need to pick up a box. Maybe I need to talk to God and I can get the ball rolling, you know? I mean, I just want to plant, like, all kind of seeds, like, spread them out in that classroom so whenever they grow up, they can go back and pick up that seed and make their own. I'm gonna spread so many seeds out.

[16:02] Marti: Of it, so good. And, you know, Lovatus, you can really see how much you love those kids. And even more, you can see how much those kids love you. And you really do model a christian Jesus behavior. So praise God that you're here. Praise the Lord that you are a good influence, a good godly influence on our kids. And our kids are gonna have solid foundation, and you're a part of it.

[16:31] Lavaudus: Mm mm. I'm just glad God was able to use me in the best way. You know, it was about a while back, when I was 18 that, you know, I was like, I think I'm good with kids. I had, like, a lot of nieces and nephews when I was around that age, and definitely they liked hanging out with me. I was the fun uncle. I was the funicle.

[16:52] Marti: The funicle?

[16:53] Lavaudus: Yeah, the funicle. And I just got away from it when, you know, I was walking in the world, you know, I was worried about my own stuff. Then I came back to Jesus, and then Jesus brought that back and he was like, you know what? Hey, you remember this when you did that to your nieces and nephews, play football with them and stuff? Why don't you do this in our kingdom? In my kingdom? And I was like, wow. And she was just, like, trying to wrote me in and stuff. And, yeah, it was like pulling teeth. But, yeah, I ended up coming in and I was nervous at first, but, you know, it just flowed after so easily.

[17:29] Jan: But don't you see that when you're doing what God wants you to do that he just gives you this place in your heart that it just fills you up with that joy and just little, little moments of things that are like, okay, that's what I'm supposed to be doing, right?

[17:46] Lavaudus: Yes. Such a blessing though, guys. Like, yeah, I, yeah, if I do this to the day I die, I will be okay.

[17:52] Jan: Liz, tell us about your story.

[17:54] Liz: Okay. So mine's not going to be as animated as Lovatus but, you know. So my faith journey started actually really young when I was just a little one. My grandma actually had a huge influence on me when I was young and we always went to church. We actually went to the little white church where the antique mall is, so had been coming since I was pretty much a baby which is really cool. Went to Sunday school, youth group, all that. Actually went to Mexico on a youth mission, got baptized here and my grandma was actually a Sunday school teacher here for years. In fact, I still talk to people I went to school with that said she was one of the best Sunday school teachers or they were her favorite Sunday school teachers. So she had a lot of influence on people that way. And when I turned 1718 I kind of felt, I don't know, my faith just kind of was very shaky and I kind of felt like I was pushed out a little bit and felt very unwelcome and just was like, I'm done. And for years I just kind of did my own thing and it wasn't working. It obviously wasn't working for a long time. And it actually wasn't until I met Levatis that he was like, hey, you should come check out church. And I'm, I don't think they're gonna, I don't know how to feel about that. I don't feel like, I just felt a really weird way. I wasn't sure how I was gonna be accepted if people were gonna remember me. I honestly felt a little embarrassed that I didn't go to church but I still believed, I was still a believer but I was not acting, I wasn't living in my faith at all. I was just kind of like, well, you know, God's out there and I believe but I'm not gonna go to church. I don't need to go to church. Why do I need to go to church? So I was really nervous to come. I remember the first day I came with you, I was like, oh, gosh, what are they gonna think? But people did remember me. I had a few people remember me, and I felt actually right at home. I felt very comfortable. And so I said, okay, guess, well, I'm going to church now. And was still a little nervous for a little bit. But then I met with you, Marty, and I was saying, oh, I have, you know, I have a background in hospitality. I want to start helping the church. And you're like, no, you need to help with this.

[20:11] Marti: You know, I remember that we went out to lunch, and that's what I wanted to insert in the testimony. Liz is like, oh, I can be a greeter, I can be an usher. But the entire time we're having lunch, she's talking about library thing that she did with kids, and it was just children this and children that. And I was like, you don't need to be a greeter. You need to be working with kids. And to be honest, Liz and Lovatis have been such a blessing to north coast kids and the children's ministry around here. And so I'm really glad that you got plugged in that way.

[20:53] Liz: Yeah, that was definitely my calling for sure, just because, you know, in the years that I wasn't coming to church, I was actually volunteering in the community elsewhere. I was involved in the lunch buddy mentoring program that they had in Clatsop county for years. I did that for about ten years, and then I did the smart reading program for the same amount of time. And I actually would see some of the kids out, and they would introduce me to their parents. I'd be super excited. So I did. I had, you know, I just love, I love kids, and I've been told by my doctor that I can't physically carry children. So that's kind of my, like, if I can't carry kids, I can't have my own. I want to be able to be there for other kids. So even though I didn't, I wasn't going to church, I was still helping in that aspect, but I was able to get into the children's ministry here, and I just instantly was like, oh, my gosh, I love this. I love this so much. And started off as, like, an assistant, and then I think Eva at the time was like, would you be open to leading preschool? I'm like, what? Leading? I don't know about that. It's kind of nerve wracking. But ultimately, I was like, you know, these kids need to see a familiar face every week. They need that consistency because if they're not getting it, it's just, it's really important. I've learned that over volunteering, having the same kid every week. They learn to trust you after that time, you know, you're spending time with them and listening to them. So that really, I was like, you know, I'll do it.

[22:20] Lavaudus: I'll do it.

[22:21] Liz: Okay, fine, pull my arm. I'll do it. But honestly, I was like, wow, my grandma was a Sunday school teacher, and now I'm a Sunday school teacher.

[22:29] Jan: It's a heritage.

[22:30] Liz: Yeah. And I think about it, I'm like, oh, I hope she'd be proud of me. I feel like she'd be, but she'd probably be like, I can't believe that you're doing this.

[22:36] Lavaudus: This is crazy.

[22:37] Jan: Yeah, but she should believe it, because I bet she was praying for you.

[22:42] Liz: I think she was praying for me up until she passed. She's been gone for about ten, almost ten years. But, yeah, she probably sat in the front row, just like you do. Yeah, we sit in the front row as well, so she would be very proud of that. But just be able to carry on my grandmother's legacy here is very important to me. And so want to be able to give those kids, like you said about just being, you know, planting those seeds, especially preschool, that's like the perfect time to be able to be planting those seeds and showing them, just showing them that you love them and you care for them is very important. Every week I'm like, just telling them, I love you. And then they can pass that along to their family. And they're starting to ask questions now about Jesus. And we're actually learning about Jonah and the whale, which is really fun.

[23:38] Marti: It's exciting. It's super exciting to get spit out by a whale.

[23:41] Liz: Yes.

[23:42] Marti: Really cool.

[23:42] Liz: Oh, yeah. Talking about how smelly the whale is. Stinky, stinky and smelly. And Jonah didn't listen to God. That's why he went through. He got hit in a storm and everything. So they are listening, and like you said, they model after your behavior, so if you act in an appropriate way, they'll learn that. So it's very important that we are modeling Christ's behavior.

[24:06] Marti: So, Liz, what would you say to that person that was like you several years ago that was nervous about walking through a church door?

[24:20] Liz: That's a really good question.

[24:21] Marti: How would you encourage them that it's a good thing to just do it?

[24:28] Liz: Yeah. I mean, if I was, I would just show them. I would just show them love and just be there for them. Tell them it's okay. We're all, like, every week pastor John says, we're all broken, and there's nothing to be nervous about because we're all broken. We're all sinners. That's why we're here. We're here to accept christ's love. So I would just show them, be there for them, not welcome them. I was welcomed here second I stepped foot in here. I felt welcome immediately because I have been to other church. I did actually go to visit other churches before I came back, and I didn't feel welcome. I wasn't welcomed in. I wasn't. Oh, how are you? Glad to see you. Every week, even though people are starting to know us, they say it regardless whether they know we're new or we've been here for a while, it's the same welcome.

[25:29] Marti: But you would be the welcomer.

[25:31] Liz: I would be the welcome. I'd go up to someone like, you, do it all the time. Levatis. Go up to someone you don't know and just make them feel welcome, because that's something that I didn't necessarily get. And so I want people to feel welcome when I didn't feel welcome, so, and that's something I've always been taught. My mom taught me at a very early age, like, treat people how you want to be treated. And I always, that has stuck with me forever.

[25:56] Marti: I would say, liz, that you are a very kind person and who doesn't want to be around kind people, right?

[26:04] Lavaudus: Right.

[26:05] Marti: Yeah. So, lovatis, what would you say to a kid who's thinking about coming to church?

[26:14] Lavaudus: Hmm. I would just honestly say that, hey, give it a try. You know, I mean, like, just, like, you, like, give it a try. When you go out on the playground and you don't know how to swing, you're like, hey, you're just like, hey, it's just like trying on the swing. You know, you just go back and forth, and with this, you do that, too. Like, I had a parent that I know from a previous job, she actually remembered me, and she, because, you know, I'm very jovial and loud, so she had a daughter that came here, and she was like, hey, my daughter wants to know, like, see if you guys have a Sunday school. And I'm like, oh, okay. Well, this is what I told her. I was like, hey, you can try it out, and if you don't like it, it's okay. And at least you know that you tried it out, and you won't have nothing that you feel, like, bad that you missed out on. And instantly, like, first five minutes, she came into that class, she was just like, oh, yes, I love this class. It's so awesome. And now she's coming week by week by week by week now. Yeah. So it's definitely, like a great testimony to remember, but, yeah. Still give all glory to Jesus because he is the author and he creates all these situations and make things happen.

[27:28] Liz: Right on. I think this is also testimony to us in general for children's ministry. But Sarah told us today that both our classes are, like, the fastest growing classes, Sunday school classes.

[27:42] Lavaudus: Wow.

[27:43] Liz: So making a name. Well, I mean, people come to your class, they'll come to first service specifically for Levadas class, and they won't. Our friend Tabitha. Leo's.

[27:55] Lavaudus: Leo. Yeah.

[27:56] Liz: He only wants to go to your class, so. And there's kids that are crying because they're moving up to middle school. Like, they're crying. Yes. And then he got a note from one of his students during, when we were gone on vacation. He found it, like, a couple weeks after saying how much she missed him and hope he's enjoying vacation, but that he hopes that, you know, obviously she wants him to come back. Yeah. He's definitely made a huge difference in impact and in the kids lives. Like, it's amazing to see, like, your transformation, too, you know, I know you've been coming here before I came back and just to see the transformation, when I was trying to force you to come to Chile's ministry, you're like, nope. I had to have Eva Sarah call him and say, you gotta tell him. Cause he won't listen to me. He doesn't. And that was the thing. I think he didn't think that he would be a good fit. Like, it wasn't his thing.

[28:55] Jan: And what about that guy that actually knows you for what he's got, you know? No, you might not know that about you, but I know that about you, and I'm going to make sure you're in that place.

[29:07] Liz: And whether we have kids or not, biologically, they are. All of the kids here are our kids.

[29:15] Lavaudus: Yeah. That's how I look at it.

[29:17] Liz: And we have tons of God kids. We're godparents, quite a few kids. And so I feel like that's where we're called. That's where God has called us to, is maybe we're not meant to be parents, but we're parents in another, you know.

[29:34] Jan: Yeah.

[29:34] Liz: In the spiritual sense of, you know, the role models.

[29:39] Lavaudus: Absolutely.

[29:39] Liz: To these kids. And we're also rental parents, so.

[29:46] Lavaudus: Rental parents?

[29:47] Liz: Yeah. We take kids, have a sleepover, and then let's the, you know, the parents relax. Yeah.

[29:54] Lavaudus: Get a date night or something. Get the place cleaned or something.

[29:57] Liz: Take them for the weekend or give them back to the parents.

[30:02] Jan: That might even be a better deal.

[30:05] Liz: We're happy. Oh, my goodness. Our marriage couldn't be better because of it.

[30:10] Lavaudus: You're right about that. Yeah.

[30:13] Jan: Levi's time. I ask you one more thing. Could you share a little bit about the music that you do?

[30:17] Lavaudus: Oh, yes. So I don't really, like, broadcast it because it's just a hobby that I love to do. Yes. My music is basically found on Spotify, YouTube, apple music, tadao, anything. So music is just. I just love to do music. I just love to rap. I used to be a secular rapper when I first started when I was 15, you know, because I was in the world. And really, I just had one song about God. And pretty much, yeah, I went back to my secular stuff. I was living a lie. It was me living a lie. That's what my secular music was about. And God must have hated it because I only. I can't even find one song. But, yes, I've been doing music for a while, and definitely it's one of my things I love to do as a hobby. I have an album out that I did last year. It's called. What's it called again? I'm sorry. Sorry. It's soulful.

[31:18] Jan: I'm singing about Jesus.

[31:19] Lavaudus: Yeah, yeah. It's called soul food for thought. And me and Liz actually did a song on there. It's called Slow Burn. Yeah. Basically. Dumb dumbs. Yeah, dumb dumbs. She knows more about it than I do. That's like. Yeah, yeah.

[31:32] Liz: She listened to it more than you do.

[31:36] Lavaudus: Yeah. So there's definitely, like, some. Some songs I put out there. My favorite, basically, if you listen to the podcast that definitely, like, speaks to my heart, is one that's called only you. And it's basically what God has done for me and basically why he's not like me at all. And he's, like, up there, and I'm like, down here. His way is not, like, our way. And that's basically the song that's on that album, soul food thought. That definitely speaks out of how I feel about God's relationship.

[32:09] Jan: Yeah. So if a person was gonna look up your music, what would they look under?

[32:13] Lavaudus: Just look under my name. Lavada. It's l A V A U. D U S. Okay. Yes.

[32:19] Jan: Yeah.

[32:20] Lavaudus: All right, awesome.

[32:22] Marti: Thanks, guys.

[32:23] Lavaudus: Thank you. Thank you.

[32:24] Marti: Love you.

[32:25] Liz: Yeah, we love you, too.

[32:26] Lavaudus: Yes. Thank you.

[32:30] Marti: You guys are adorable. I was gonna say, you guys are.

[32:34] Liz: A the world moment.

[32:37] Lavaudus: Yeah. We just love. We just glad that God just worked his way out the way he did. And, you know, no matter what situation we get through, we get through it together. And it's been definitely something that I've been fun.

[32:51] Marti: We're so, so blessed to have you in our lives.

[32:55] Lavaudus: Yes. Yeah.

[32:57] Jan: I just love how God uses things in our lives. Like Lovato's coaching football and Liz reading to her kids to later plug us into service for him as God led them into teaching Sunday school. He knows our hearts and prepares us for what he wants us to do. And look at how things were passed down to Liz. Her grandma, who was always praying for her, taught Sunday school and it turned into a generational blessing. If you enjoyed this episode, consider sharing it with a friend or family member. Let's spread the love. I've put a link in the show notes for Levadas's songs. Be sure to give them a listen until next time. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.